Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker

A single source reference on tropical weather predictions. With a traditional focus on the upper Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast we've maintained links to track all Atlantic Basin, Caribbean and eastern Pacific storm systems. We are now expanding our view to tropical storms throughout the world intending to be a comprehensive global storm tracking resource.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Friends Of Science Critiques The Evidence For Man-Made Climate Change

By way of Junk

More scientists are publicly questioning the certainty of the data surrounding climate change. The fact is that there is much uncertainty in the data and to make claims that catostrophic change is imminent is just plain wrong.

Once when I was discussing Global Warming with a colleague (an educated engineer) I repeatedly hit upon the data questioning the so-called accepted conclusions. His comment, which quickly stifled the conversation, was that there were a whole lot of smart people who "ought to know" these things that said that global warming was happening and that was good enough for him. At that point I excused myself and drifted away.

The point is... Many of the most vocal proponents of Global Warming have a clear agenda. A bunch of people accept their word because of who they are - actors, politicians who are for the people, etc. but they don't look to the data and evidence except as it supports their side. People are trying to draw long term planet wide conclusions on the basis of the fact that it was hot last summer.

The current satellite data even supports the concept that the warming trend ended in 1998 and we have generally been in a slight cooling mode ever since - let's see after a decade worth of data collection if that is true. You cannot discern a trend with only a few data points.

2010 Atlantic Hurricanes (courtesy of

NOAA Gulf of Mexico Radar (courtesy of

NOAA West Atlantic & Caribbean Radar (courtesy of

NOAA East Atlantic Radar (courtesy of