Another family milestone

Amongst all of the celebration for Christmas and New Year's, we also have a major milestone to commemorate. Michael is the oldest of the small army of kids we have. Last Friday, December 18th he completed all requirements and successfully graduated from Georgetown High School.
Michael's high school career has been quite varied. Standard classes did not provide the challenge in learning that Michael was looking for. He decided to try distance learning through Texas Tech University and successfully completed several classes in English, Algebra and the first half of Physics.
Eventually he recognized that advanced Physics and Algebra were a bit tough to learn on your own so he re-enrolled himself into Georgetown HS AND Austin Community College in a simultaneous dual HS/college program. His classes included government, English and computer science. He graduates this December with a full semester of college classes under his belt.
Now he starts the next chapter with an acceptance into the Army Cadet Program at North Georgia State College and Military School in Dahlonega, GA. In a couple of weeks he goes in for his Army physical and then takes his BASIC training. This fall he starts at Dahlonega with the Army Cadet Program.
Michael has a strong drive and is very excited about starting a career in the Army. His major focus is government and law with a goal to become a JAG lawyer.
Here's to Michael! Congratulations for a major accomplishment and godspeed as you prepare for an exciting career.
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