Evacuation is needed ahead of Jimena
Jimena is moving northwestward at 17 km/hr placing the eye of the storm at landfall Wednesday morning in the vacinity of Puerto San Carlos with very strong winds beginning mid-day Tuesday (today)
Avierten será peligroso (Frontera.info)
El Sistema Nacional de Protección Civil (Sinaproc), informó este lunes que el huracán “Jimena” se ubicó a las 16:00 horas sobre el Océano Pacífico, a 490 km al Sur de Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur, presentando vientos de 250 km/hr y rachas de hasta 300 km/hr, que lo clasifican como un huracán intenso y extremadamente peligroso de categoría 4, muy próximo a ser categoría 5, en escala Saffir-Simpson.Officials are trying to convince people to evacuate but many are unwilling to leave their homes because of fear that their belongings will be stolen. Some people prefer to take their chances rather than risk loosing everything to theft. If this is true, they need to understand that they could lose eveything including their lives if they do not listen to the authorities.
Según un boletín de prensa, se realizó una reunión del grupo interinstitucional para ciclones tropicales, la Coordinación General de Protección Civil, en donde se alertó sobre las posibilidades de que este fenómeno siga avanzando hacia las costas nacionales y provoque efectos fuertes de lluvia, viento y oleaje, en los estados de Baja California Sur, Sonora y Sinaloa, por lo que ha implementado acciones necesarias para mantener a salvo a la población.
“Jimena” se desplazaba este lunes hacia el Noroeste a 17 km/hr, por lo que se prevé que el ojo del huracán toque tierra la mañana de este miércoles en las inmediaciones de Puerto San Carlos, en la Bahía Magdalena, BCS, con vientos de hasta 175 km/hr y rachas cercanas a los 200 km/hr, aunque sus primeros efectos fuertes de viento y oleaje comenzarán a registrarse a partir del medio día de mañana martes en la zona de Los Cabos, para extenderse sobre el resto de la entidad.
El meteoro trae consigo oleaje, que a partir de esta tarde incrementará su altura hasta alcanzar los seis metros durante momentos del impacto, lo cual se convierte en una situación de riesgo para las actividades recreativas y comerciales, marítimas y costeras de la entidad, ampliando su radio hasta las costas de Sinaloa y sur de Sonora.
Thousands flee as Hurricane Jimena roars toward Mexico (USA Today)
Right now evacuations are still voluntary, but the government says that it could force evacuations if necessary. Another issue is some tourists who have not left but are enjoyign the high waves and the surf.LOS CABOS, Mexico — Tourists fled resorts at the tip of the Baja California Peninsula as Hurricane Jimena roared their way Tuesday, but many slum dwellers concerned about looting refused to leave their imperiled shanties.
Jimena, a Category 4 hurricane with winds of near 145 mph, could rake the region of harsh desert fringed with picturesque beaches and fishing villages by Tuesday evening.Police, firefighters and navy personnel drove through shantytowns, trying to persuade some 10,000 people in the Los Cabos area to evacuate shacks made of plastic sheeting, wood, reeds and even blankets.
"For the safety of you and your family, board a vehicle or head to the nearest shelter," firefighter Ricardo Villalobos bellowed over a loudspeaker as his fire truck wound its way through the sand streets of Colonia Obrera, a slum built along a stream bed that regularly springs to life when a hurricane hits.
While the storm's eye was forecast to pass west and north of the city, another 20,000 were expected to evacuate elsewhere in the peninsula. Schools, many ports and most businesses were closed. Rescue workers from the Red Cross and the Mexican military prepared for post-hurricane disaster relief, and two Mexican Army Hercules aircraft loaded with medical supplies arrived.
Video: Riding out Jimena in a shack (The Weather Channel)
People need to understand that when you stay behind you place yourselves and others at great risk. Especially when you then call for help in the middle of the storm. At that point either no body is around to help you or the peson who does help is placign their own life in danger.
If you are in Baja California Sur and you are asked to leave - PLEASE GET OUT!
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