Candidate Matchmaker
Here is a fun little quiz on which of the current candidates most closely matches your own political views. You might be surprised at the answer. (From Fox 26 Houston )
A single source reference on tropical weather predictions. With a traditional focus on the upper Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast we've maintained links to track all Atlantic Basin, Caribbean and eastern Pacific storm systems. We are now expanding our view to tropical storms throughout the world intending to be a comprehensive global storm tracking resource.
Tropical cyclone (tc) 18s (ivan) located approximately 325 nmeast-northeast of
Antananarivo, Madagascar has tracked west-southwestward at 07 knots over the
past 06 hours. Tc 18scontinues to track generally westward along the
northwesternperiphery of a subtropical ridge located south of the storm.The
system is expected to continue tracking along the peripheryof this ridge
throughout the forecast period, turning polewardover central Madagascar after
tau 24. Tc 18s has rapidly inten-sified over the past 06 hours in response to
favorably highocean heat content and excellent, radial upper-level outflowdriven
by a mesoscale anticyclone aloft. The storm is expectedto intensify further
before making landfall between tau 12 andtau 24 and steadily weaken over land
therafter. The currentforecast is in good agreement with the available
numericaltrack and intensity guidance. Maximum significant wave heightat 161200z
is 34 feet. Next warnings at 162100z, 170300z,170900z and 171500z. Refer to
tropical cyclone 19s (nicholas)warnings (wtxs32 pgtw) for six-hourly updates.//
Tropical cyclone (tc) 19s (nicholas) located approximately 330 nmnortheast
of Learmonth, Australia has tracked south-southwestwardat 07 knots over the past
06 hours. Tc 19s continues to track gen-erally southwestward along the
northwestern periphery of a sub-tropical steering ridge over central Australia.
The storm isexpected to continue southwestward to south-southwestward aroundthe
periphery of the current steering ridge through the forecastperiod. As the
system moves poleward toward the axis of an upperlevel, synoptic-scale
anitcyclone, easterly vertical wind shearis expected to decrease. This
decreasing shear and favorableocean heat content should induce slow
intensification until landinteraction begins between tau 36 and tau 48. After
landfall, thestorm will steadily dissipate. The forecast track is close to
theprevious two forecasts and the model consensus, although the trackhas been
adjusted slightly to the west in response to a change inthe anticipated extent
of the steering ridge. Maximum significantwave height at 161200z is 32 feet.
Next warnings at 162100z,170300z, 170900z and 171500z. Refer to tropical cyclone
18s (ivan)warnings (wtxs33 pgtw) for six-hourly updates